Tuesday 15 July 2014

Gnostic Teaching on the Resurrection

The Treatise on the Resurrection

For if you remember reading in the Gospel that Elijah appeared and Moses with him, do not think the resurrection is an illusion, but it is truth! Indeed it is more fitting to say that the world is an illusion, rather than the resurrection which came into being through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 

So the author plainly believes as we do that the 3 apostles Peter James and John say the risen Elijah and the risen Moses.

Gospel of Philip 

22.  Those who say that the Lord first died and then arose, are confused. For first he arose and (then) he died. If someone first acquires the resurrection, he will not die; (as) God lives, that one was [not] going to [die]. (Lk 20:36, Jn 11:26,)

23.  No one will hide a thing of great value in something ostentatious, but oftentimes has one placed (things worth) countless myriads in something worth a pittance. Thus it is with the soul— a precious thing came to be in a humble body. (Job 10:11, )

24.  There are some made fearful lest they arise naked. Therefore they desire to arise in the flesh, and they do not know that those who wear the flesh are the denuded. These who are made [into light] (by) divesting themselves (of the flesh), are they who are not naked.¹ (¹because they are clad in the images°; Ph 26 85; Odes of St. Solomon 25:8, ‘I was clothed with the covering of thy Spirit, and thou removed from me my garment of skin’;)

25.  (Paul° claims that) ‘flesh [and blood will not be able] to inherit the Sovereignty [of God].’ (=I-Cor 15:50!) What is this which shall not inherit? This which is upon every one of us? Yet this is rather what will inherit— that which belongs to Yeshua with his blood. Therefore he says: He who eats not my flesh and drinks not my blood, has no life within him. (Jn 6:53) What is his flesh? It is the Logos; and his blood is the Holy Spirit. He who has received these has food and drink and clothing. I myself rebuke those others who say that (the flesh) shall not arise. (For) both of these are in error: thou say that the flesh shall not arise, but tell me what will arise so that I may honour thee; thou say it is the spirit in the flesh and this other light in the flesh, (but¹) this also is an incarnate saying. Whatever thou will say, thou do not say anything apart from the flesh! It is necessary to arise in this flesh, (as¹) everything exists within it. (Job 19:25, Isa 26:19, Lk 24:39;

26.  In this world they who wear garments¹ are more valuable than the garments. In the Sovereignty of the Heavens the garments² are more valuable than those whom they have clothed thru water with fire, which purify the entire place. ( Ps 104:2!, Ph 24 85;)

78.  The [Lord arose] from among the dead. [He became (again)] as he had been, but [his body] had been made [entirely] perfect. He is flesh, but this [flesh is indeed] a true flesh.¹ [Yet our flesh] is not true, but rather a mirror-image of the true [flesh]. (¹Jn 1:14 20:27, II-Jn 7;)

So the author plainly teaches the physical resurrection in the flesh which is now immoral flesh no longer subject to corruption and death

Now, a Spiritual body is as material, or substantial and tangible, a body as that which we now possess. It is a body purified from "the law of sin and death." Hence it is termed "holy," and "spiritual," because it is born of the Spirit from the dust, is incorruptible, and sustained by the ruach, or spirit, independently of the neshemeh, or atmospheric air." "That which is born of the flesh," in the ordinary way, "is flesh," or an animal body: and that which is born of the Spirit," by a resurrection to life, "is spirit," or a Spiritual body (John 3:6). Hence, in speaking of Jesus, Paul says, "born of David's seed according to the flesh; and constituted the Son of God in power, by the spirit of holiness, through a resurrection from the dead" (Rom 1:3-4). Thus, He was born of the spirit, and therefore became "a Spirit;" and, because highly exalted, and possessing a name which is above every name (Phil 2:9-11), He is styled "the Lord the Spirit."


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