Sunday, 15 March 2015

JAPAN'S MEGA-QUAKE - 4 YEARS ON : ' Aftershocks ' still rattling Japan . . . Why ??

JAPAN'S MEGA-QUAKE - 4 YEARS ON : ' Aftershocks ' still rattling Japan . . . Why ??

TOKYO - Four years after a magnitude 9 earthquake shook northern & eastern Japan, the region is rocked by tremors at ' more than double ' the average rate of the decade before the disaster, a report this week from the Japan Meteorological Agency shows. In the latest 12 months there were 737 quakes registering at least “1” on the Japanese intensity scale of 1-7 in the quake zone, which runs more than 500 km (300 miles) from Tokyo’s eastern suburbs up the northeast coast nearly to the northern tip of the main island of Honshu. From 2001 to 2010, agency data shows, the annual average was 306. The agency warns that there remains a risk of large aftershocks in the region, which includes the area of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant.

Scientists say that while the quakes are getting weaker, the numbers are still a concern. Last month alone there were 64 quakes of magnitude 4 or higher in the quake zone. While the report focused on the northeast, all of Japan is effectively a quake zone where three tectonic plates intersect, generating about one-fifth of the world’s magnitude 6-plus quakes. In November, a magnitude 6.8 tremor rocked the central Japan prefecture of Nagano, injuring 13. Toda said areas such as Fukushima & northwest Japan’s Akita prefecture, which sits outside the region hit directly by the March 11 quake , are still feeling the impact. “There’s the possibility that some of this could go on for a hundred years,” he said.


PROPHECY INSIGHTS - As the nation & the world stopped to remember the unprecedented triple disaster ( Earthquake / Tsunami / Nuclear Meltdown ) that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 very few people realise that this catastrophic event was a disaster triggered & caused ' by man ' & was a direct fulfilment of an ancient Bible prophecy !!!

Consider this . . . .

11th March 2010​ - Japanese Govt issues ' international condemnation ' of Israel concerning its activity in the disputed territories of East Jerusalem & West Bank , actually ' demanding ' Israel reverse it's policy concerning the Palestinians (VIEW DOCUMENT : Japan's Foreign Affairs Statement 11-Mar-2010 )

. . . . then ' EXACTLY ' ONE YEAR LATER ( ' to the exact day ' ) >>>

11th March 2011​ - ​A massive 9.0 magnitude Mega-Quake hits Japan's east coast triggering an apocalyptic tsunami killing 20,000 - 25,000 people. The destruction caused multiple nuclear meltdowns in the Fukishima Nuclear Facility creating a third disaster. Could this just be ' co-incidence ' - or - a dramatic fulfillent of God's Word ???​

This historically unprecedented ' triple catastrophe ' was a fore-warning to all nations & the seismic ' aftershocks ' still rocking Japan ( 4 years later !!! ) are a grave reminder of God's simmering anger & His fury soon to break forth upon the earth as fore-told. In 2015 , with growing world-wide hostility towards God's people & all nations abandoning & isolating Israel we know the devastating Japanese 2011 disaster is merely a ' fore-taste ' of God's coming judgments upon mankind. It is our time of opportunity to humbly & sincerely turn to God ... before it's too late.

GENESIS 12 v 3 - I will bless them that bless thee & CURSE HIM that CURSETH THEE ( Israel ) & in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed​​

GENESIS 27 v 29 - CURSED BE EVERY ONE that CURSETH THEE ( Israel ) & blessed be he that blesseth thee.

ISAIAH 13 v 9-13 - Behold, the day of the LORD cometh , cruel both with wrath & fierce anger, to lay the land desolate & he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it . . . And I will punish the world for their evil, & the wicked for their iniquity ; & I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease & will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible . . . Therefore I will shake the heavens & the earth shall remove out of her place , in the wrath of the LORD of hosts & in the day of his fierce anger.

Has this EVER happened ?? ... It is also ' critical ' to note this prophecy in Isaiah 13 is written in the context of the Medes ( modern day IRAN ) invading & destroying the land of Babylon ( modern day IRAQ ) ... EXACTLY as we are seeing in 2015 !!a

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Historical References

Historical References
Note: The following quotations are not provided as proof texts of the Doctrinal Affirmations. For proofs, see the Scripture references provided in the first part of the statement. These quotes are provided only to show that the Doctrinal Affirmations are wholly consistent with original Christadelphian teaching.

"Since the purification (Num. 19:9) related to the removal of 'sin' contracted through death, it is apparent that cleansing and atonement are required even when a personal transgression is not committed. This is an important aspect of the offering in relation to Christ. He offered for himself, but not because he was a personal transgressor or because he was alienated from his Father, but because he was defiled by the uncleanness associated with human nature and death." (Ron Abel & Rod Ghent, Studies in the Atonement, 1973, p. 21)

"That there was a sense in which he must offer for himself would appear from the fact that Aaron had so to do before he offered for the people; and Jesus is the antitype. If it should be said that this was a necessary preparation in Aaron's case, it might be asked, was there no necessary preparation in Christ's case? There was; and the Scriptures give the reason. We get a clue in the words of Peter: 'who his own self bare our sins in his own body on a tree' (1 Peter 2:24). He was there as a representative, partaking of the nature that was common to all - a nature under sentence of death because of sin.” (Bro. John Carter,Letter to the Hebrews, p.83 3rd edition)

"The word 'atonement' in its Hebrew connotation signifies 'to cover', and therefore has application to Christ, as well as to others who in addition to the need of physical redemption from mortality, also required the forgiveness of actual sins committed." (Bro. H. P. Mansfield, Leviticus Expositor, p. 45)

“Christ required redemption from adamic nature equally with his brethren, and the mode of redemption which God had ordained was a perfect obedience culminating in a sacrificial death." (Bro. Robert Roberts, The Christadelphian, 1895, p. 262)

“First, then, as a matter of words and meanings, it must be remarked that whereas the word "atonement" occurs but once in the New Testament (A.V., and not at all in the text of the R.V.), it occurs frequently in the Old Testament, and is there the representative of the Hebrew verb kahphar (literally to cover) and its derivatives. In Gen. 6:14 God said to Noah, "Make thee an ark of gopher wood ... and thou shalt pitch it within and without with pitch". Here the verb iskahphar and the noun kopher, because pitch was the covering substance with which the ark was waterproofed. Kopher is also translated ransom, satisfaction; and in a bad sense, bribe. Kippooreem, plural, is translated atonement, atonements, and the yom hakkippurim, the great "Day of Atonement" (Lev. 16), is memorialized to this day among the Jews. The radical idea then of "atone" in the Old Testament is to cover.” (C.C. Walker, The Atonement,Atonement in the Old Testament)

 “the Altar prefigured the Lord Jesus Christ. Contact with him through baptism constitutes us `holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling' (Heb. 3:1). As the altar had to be cleansed, atoned for, anointed and sanctified, and as it typed the Lord Jesus, it is obvious that he was involved in his own sacrifice.” (HP Mansfield, The Atonement, The Power of the Altar, p. 185, 186)

"Therefore Christ, although free from personal transgression, had to offer for himself, as for others, because upon him were laid 'the iniquities of us all' (Isa. 53)." (H.P. Mansfield, The Atonement, p. 235)

“That burnt-offering should be required in the absence of particular offence shows that our unclean state as the death-doomed children of Adam itself unfits us for approach to the Deity apart from the recognition and acknowledgment of which the burnt-offering was the form required and supplied. It was “because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel,” as well as “because of their transgressions in all their sins, that atonement was required for even the tabernacle of the congregation” (Lev. 16:16)
“The type involved in complete burning is self-manifest: it is consumption of sin-nature. This is the great promise and prophecy and requirement of every form of the truth: the destruction of the body of sin (Rom. 6:6). It was destroyed in Christ's crucifixion-the “one great offering”-we ceremonially share that in our baptism: “crucified with Christ,” “baptised unto his death.” We morally participate in it in putting the old man to death in “denying ungodliness and worldly lusts:” and the hope before us is the prospect of becoming subject to such a physical change as will consume mortal nature and change it into the glorious nature of the Spirit.” (Robert Roberts, The Christadelphian, 1897, p. 260)

"This sin condition being the hereditary nature of our Lord Jesus Christ, he was a fit and proper sacrifice for sin, or the condemnation of sin in the flesh, especially as he was "innocent of the great transgression." His righteousness sustained him, and his flesh did rest in hope" of a resurrection from the dead; but his body being as unclean as the bodies of those he died for, he himself must of necessity have somewhat to offer, as an atonement for himself, and this offering he accomplished by pouring out his soul unto death (Isa. 53:12). The Scriptures say: "It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul" (Lev. 17:11; Heb. 9:22). " - FJ

“The common view which disconnects Christ from the operation of his own sacrifice would have required that Moses should have left the altar and the book of the law unsprinkled. These were parts of what Paul terms "the patterns of things in the heavens", concerning which he remarks that it was necessary they should be purified with the sacrifices ordained. The application of this to Christ as the antitype he makes instantly; "but (it was necessary that) the heavenly things themselves (should be purified) with better sacrifices than these" (Heb. 9:23). The phrase "the heavenly things" is an expression covering all the high, holy and exalted things of which the Mosaic pattern was but a foreshadowing. They are all comprehended in Christ, who is the nucleus from which all will be developed, the foundation on which all will be built. The statement is therefore a declaration that it was necessary that Christ should first of all be purified with better sacrifices than the Mosaic: "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place"; "not into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us" (Heb. 9:12, 23-24).” R. Roberts, The Law of Moses

"Paul's statement (Heb. 7:27) is that Jesus did ONCE what the typical high priest did daily. What was that? 'Offered first for his own sins and then for the people's'. It follows that there must be a sense in which Jesus offered for himself also, a sense which is apparent when it is recognized that he was under adamic condemnation, inhering [to be inherent or innate in] his flesh." (Bro. Robert Roberts, The Christadelphian, 1873, p. 405)

“What is to be understood by `the Deity justified by the Spirit,' in 1 Tim. 3:16?To be `justified by Spirit' is the second item of the ` great mystery of godliness.' The flesh in or through which the Deity was manifested was, for the brief space of thirty-three years, inferior to the angelic nature, which is Spirit. It had been `purified' by the sprinkling of its own blood on the cross; it came forth from the tomb an earthy body, which, in order to become Spirit, and so `equal to the angels,' had to be `justified', `rectified', `made perfect,' or quickened, `by Spirit.' (See answer to No. 35.) The flesh of manifestation, justified by Spirit, is styled by Paul in Rom. 1:4, pneuma hagiosunes, `Spirit of holiness', or spirit-nature, which is essentially holy. The Jesus-Body was `justified by spirit' on being raised from the earthy nature to the Divine, by ascending to the Father on the third day (see answers to Nos. 24, 25, 26, 22; Heb 2:7, 9) and, forty days afterwards, was received up again in glory. -(1 Tim. 3:16, John 17:5; 3:13.) “ (John Thomas, Catechesis, #51)

“He had to be cleansed from flesh-nature and clothed upon with Spirit-nature, and this was effected through his offering.” (HP Mansfield, The Power of the Altar)

Two Acceptations of Sin
“The word sin is used in two principal acceptations in the Scripture.  It signifies in the first place, `the transgression of law;' and in the next, it represents that physical principle of the animal nature, which is the cause of all its diseases, death, and resolution into dust.  It is that in the flesh `which has the power of death,' and it is called sin, because the development, or fixation of this evil in the flesh was the result of transgression.  Inasmuch as this evil principle pervades every part of the flesh, the animal nature is styled `sinful flesh,' that is, flesh full of sin; so that sin,  in the sacred style, came to stand for the substance called man.  In human flesh `dwells no good thing' (Rom. vii.18-17); and all the evil a man does is the result of this principle dwelling in him.  Operating upon the brain, it excites the `propensities,' and these set the `intellect' and `sentiments' to work.  The propensities are blind, and so are the intellect and sentiments in a purely natural state; when, therefore, the latter operate under the sole impulse of the propensities, `the understanding is darkened through ignorance, because of the blindness of the heart' (Eph. Iv. 18).  The nature of the lower animals is as full of this physical evil principle as the nature of man; though it cannot be styled sin with the same expressiveness, because it does not possess them as the result of their own transgression; the name, however, does not alter the nature of the thing.” (J. Thomas, Elpis Israel, p. 127)

"This perishing body is 'sin,' and left to perish because of 'sin.' Sin, in its application to the body, stands for all its constituents and laws. The power of death is in its very constitution, so that the law of its nature is styled 'the Law of Sin and Death.' In the combination of the elements of the law, the power of death resides, so that 'to destroy that having the power of death,' is to abolish this physical law of sin and death, and instead thereof, to substitute the physical 'law of the spirit of life,' by which the same body would be changed in its constitution, and live for ever.
“'Sin, I say, is a synonym for human nature hence the flesh is invariably regarded as unclean." (J. Thomas, Elpis Israel, Logos ed., page 130)

"By this time, I apprehend, the intelligent reader will be able to answer scripturally the question, 'What is that which has the power of death?' And he will, doubtless, agree, that it is 'the exceedingly great sinner SIN,' in the sense of 'the Law of Sin and Death' within all the posterity of Adam, without exception. This, then, is Paul's Diabolos, which he says 'has the power of death;' which 'power' he also saith is 'sin, the sting of death.'”
“`Sin' is a word in Paul's argument, which stands for `human nature,' with its affections and desires. Hence, to become sin, or for one to be `made sin' for others, (2 Cor. 5:21, ) is to become flesh and blood. This is called `sin,' or `Sin's flesh,' because it is what it is in consequence of sin, or transgression.” (John Thomas, Eureka)

"Diabolos is therefore a very fit and proper word by which to designate the law of sin and death, or sin's flesh" (J. Thomas, Eureka, vol. 1, p. 248-249)

"That in his crucifixion, Sin was condemned in the same flesh that had transgressed in Paradise, so that in the crucified body he bore the sins of his people upon the tree, that they being dead to sin, should live unto righteousness" (Eureka, Logos ed., vol. 3, p. 304, #10)

"Now, a spiritual body is as material, or substantial and tangible, a body as that which we now possess. It is a body purified from 'the law of sin and death'" (John Thomas, Elpis Israel, p. 42)

In the combination of the elements of the law, the power of death resides, so that 'to destroy that having the power of death,' is to abolish this physical law of sin and death, and instead thereof, to substitute the physical 'law of the spirit of life,' by which the same body would be changed in its constitution, and live for ever. (John Thomas, Eureka).

"What stronger proof can we need of the substantial and tangible nature of the Spiritual body? It is the animal body purified, not evaporated into gas, or vapour." (John Thomas, Elpis Israel, ch 2)
"The clear evidence of Genesis 3 is that sin had a physical reaction on creation: the serpent crawled upon crawled upon its belly; all other animal creation was cursed (v. 14--above all cattle); the woman found her sorrow and conception multiplied; the earth brought forth thorns and thistles; man was made subject to death.” (HP Mansfield, Atonement: Salvation Through the Blood of Christ Page 243).

Christ Bore Our Sins By A Figure
“Jesus died as a representative man. It is said of him that God `laid on him the iniquities of us all' (Isa. 53). How did He do this? By so begetting him that he should inherit human nature, requiring that he should conquer the evil proclivities of the flesh from day to day: proclivities which in others invariably lead to sin. Peter taught, `Who his own self bare our sins in (Gk. `en' within) his own body on the tree …' (1 Pet. 2:24).” (H.P. Mansfield, The Atonement, p. 187)

 “But the difficulty with some is how to associate such an ingredient with the sinless Son of God. There ought to be no difficulty if the whole case is kept before the mind. It is not the whole case that `he was without sin': it is part of the case that he was `made sin for us' (2 Cor. 5:21); that he was made of a woman in the likeness of sinful flesh (Gal. 4:4; Rom. 8:3), and that by a figure God hath laid on him the iniquities of us all (Isa. 53:6), and that he bore our sins in his own body to the tree (1 Pet. 2:24).” (Robert Roberts, The Law of Moses)

“The impulses of sin, were in the body of the Lord as in other men, but they were neutralized, or overcome, by a mind that was in perfect attune with that of his Father. Therefore, `the sins' that the Lord `bare in his body' when he was crucified are fitly described as `our sins' because they were identical to the same impulses that in every other person result in actual transgression; and the Lord died as our representative.” - H.P. Mansfield

“In the former state, the flesh was `the filthy garments' with which the Spirit-Word was clothed (Zech. 3:3) ; `the iniquity of us all' that was laid upon him; the soul made an offering for sin' (Isa. 53:6, 10) ; but, as He now is, the filthy garments have been taken away; `his iniquity has passed from him,' and he is clothed with `change of raiment.' His flesh thus designated has been subjected to the transforming energy of the radiant power of the Eternal Spirit.” (John Thomas, Eureka, vol. 1 p. 108)

Mosaic Types and Anti-Types
"There is a significance in all these details that ought to be fatal to the loose ideas entertained in some Gentile quarters as to the death of Christ, to the effect that it was not necessary and not required except as the ... crowning act of a life of obedience. For we must never forget that all these ceremonies of the law were allegorical of the work of Christ..."Robert Roberts, The Law of Moses, p. 262

“But the sacrificial blood was applied to everything as well-Aaron and his sons included (see Lev. 8:14-15; 23-24). An atonement had to be made by the shedding and the sprinkling of blood for and upon them all (Lev. 16:33). As Paul remarks, `almost all things by the law are purged with blood' (Heb. 9:22). Now all these things were declared to be `patterns of things in the heavens', which it is admitted on all hands converge upon and have their substance in Christ. There must, therefore, be a sense in which Christ (the antitypical Aaron, the antitypical altar, the antitypical mercy-seat, the antitypical everything), must not only have been sanctified by the action of the antitypical oil of the Holy Spirit, but purged by the antitypical blood of his own sacrifice.
“This conclusion is supposed to be weakened by the statement of Lev. 16:16, that the atonement for the holy place, altar, etc., was to be made `because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel and because of their transgressions in all their sins', That is, it is argued from this, that the holy things would have had no uncleanness in themselves apart from the uncleanness of the children of Israel. This must be granted, but it must also be recognized that because the children of Israel were sinful and polluted, the holy things were reckoned as having contracted defilement in having been fabricated by them and through remaining in their midst. This cannot be denied on a full survey of the testimony. They were ceremonially unclean, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and had to be cleansed by the holy oil and the sacrificial blood before they were acceptable in the Mosaic service.
Now, this is part of the Mosaic figure. There must be an antitype to it. What was it? The holy things, we know, in brief, are Christ. He must, therefore, have been the subject of a personal cleansing in the process by which he opened the way of sanctification for his people. If the typical holy things contracted defilement from connection with a sinful congregation, were not the antitypical (Christ) holy things in a similar state, through derivation on his mother's side from a sinful race? If not, how came they to need purging with his own `better sacrifice' (Heb. 9:23).” (Robert Roberts, The Law of Moses)

"Now look a little more closely at the manner in which the altar of Exodus 29:36 had to be cleansed. It was not by washing which might fittingly foreshadow baptism as you suggest, but by the shedding of blood, and that of a sin offering!... The altar was thus cleansed through the shedding of blood. Whose blood was shed to cleanse the Jesus-altar? None other than his own in spite of what the clean-flesh theorists might say." (Bro. H.P. Mansfield, The Atonement, “The Christ Altar”, Logos Publications, p. 188)

“… Christ did `once' in his death what the high priests under the law did daily, viz., offered `first for his own sins and then for the people's'. But here is all the difference between the two cases that there always is between shadow and substance. Christ's `own sins' were not like the sins of the priests; they were not sins of his own committing. He was without sin, so far as his own actions were concerned. Yet as the bearer of the sins of his people - whether `in Adam' or otherwise, he stood in the position of having these as `his own' from the effects of which he had himself first to be delivered. Consequently, he offered first for himself; he was the first delivered… But his offering for himself was also the offering for his people. The two aspects of the double typical offering were combined in one act. He had not twice to offer for himself… `He was made sin for us who knew no sin;' and does not sin require an offering?”

“All of which enables us to understand why the typical holy things were purified with sacrificial blood, and why the high priest, in his typical and official capacity had to be touched with blood as well as anointed with the holy oil before entering upon his work. When we say, as some in their reverence for Christ prefer to say, that the death of Christ was not for himself but only for us, they destroy all these typical analogies, and in truth, if their view could prevail, they would make it impossible that it could be for us at all' for it only operates "for us"when we unite ourselves with him in whom, as the firstborn, it had its first” (R. Roberts, The Law of Moses, The Consecration of Aaron and his sons)

“The reverence for Christ commands respect which leads some men to consider him immaculate in all senses and in no need to offer for himself, but it is not "according to knowledge", It is not consistent with the Divine objects in God "sending forth his son in the likeness of sinful flesh", All these objects blend together, but they are separable. One of them was to "condemn sin in the flesh", as Paul says (Rom. 8:8). The stumblings that have taken place over this expression are doubtless due to that other truth, that Christ did no sin, and in this sense was the "Lamb of God without spot". But the stumblings do not get rid of the expression as affirming a truth. Some would explain it as meaning the moral condemnation of sin by Christ during his life. This cannot be the meaning in view of the statement with which it is conjoined that what was done was "what the law could not do". The law condemned sin so thoroughly in the moral sense that it is called "the ministration of condemnation".Then some have suggested that it means the flesh of the sacrificial animals. This is precluded by the intimation that Christ was sent "in the likeness of sinful flesh" for the accomplishment of the work in question--the condemnation of sin in the flesh. This is, in fact, the reliable clue to the meaning. That he was sent "in the likeness of sinful flesh" for the accomplishment of the work shows that it was a work to be done in him. Some try to get away from this conclusion (and this is the popular habit) by seizing on the word "likeness"and contending that this means not the same, but only like. This contention is precluded by the use of the same term as to his manhood: "he was made in the likeness of men", He was really a man, in being in the likeness of men: and he was really sinful flesh, in being in "the likeness of sinful flesh". Paul, in Heb. 2:14-17, declares the likeness to have been in the sense of sameness: "Forasmuch as the children were partakers of flesh and blood, it became him likewise to take part of the same". The statement remains in its undiminished force that" God sent his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for (as an offering for) sin condemned sin in the flesh", It is, in fact, a complete and coherent statement of what was accomplished in the death of Christ, and a perfect explanation of the reason why he first came in the flesh, and of the reason why John the apostle insisted so strenuously on the maintenance of the doctrine that he had so come in the flesh. Possessing sinful flesh was no sin to him, who kept it under perfect control, and "did always those things that pleased the Father". At the same time, being the sinful flesh derived from the condemned transgressors of Eden, it admitted of sin being publicly condemned in him, without any collision with the claims of his personal righteousness, which were to be met by an immediate and glorious resurrection." (R. Roberts, The Law of Moses, The Consecration of Aaron and his sons)

The Basis of Forgiveness
“We find the key to this problem in the expression made use of by Paul concerning the death of Christ, in Rom. 3:21-22, "The righteousness of God without the law is manifested in Christ". Verse 25, `Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; to declare, I say, at this time His righteousness that He might be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus'. If we ponder this, we shall find it yields a complete explanation. First of all, it places forgiveness in the foreground, `through God's forbearance', which is at variance with the substitutionary idea. The substitutionary idea blots out forgiveness by suggesting that the debt in the case is paid by another. It is not so… `God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.'” (R. Roberts, The Blood of Christ)

“The doctrines of the apostasy have obliterated this principle. They teach that men have "only to believe" that Christ has paid their debts, and that they have, nothing to do but believe that Christ died for them…“it preaches the death of Christ as a "substitutionary" satisfaction of the Divine law, instead of a declaration of the righteousness of God (Rom. iii. 25) in the condemnation of sin in the flesh (Rom. viii. 3), as a basis on which the forbearance of God offers the forgiveness of all who recognize themselves "crucified with Christ" (R. Roberts, Seasons of Comfort, Reproach).

Historical Precedent
LONDON.-“…On Sunday, the 21st of May, after months of patient and careful investigation, and after the fullest opportunity offered to those who differ, to maintain their position, we resolved to discontinue fellowshipping such as believe that the descendants of Adam were not condemned to death on account of his sin, or that Jesus Christ's death was not necessary to redeem himself as well as others from that condemnation.” (The Christadelphian, July 1876, Ecclesial Intelligence)

"We have had trouble in our midst, which has resulted in division. Bro. H. [Harry] Fry publicly proclaimed the doctrine that Jesus was not in a position requiring to offer himself as a sacrifice to secure his own redemption. It was necessary to meet this error in order to maintain the purity of the Truth. After private and collective effort, which proved fruitless, it was decided to re-affirm and define our doctrinal basis of faith upon this subject... That inasmuch as the foregoing scriptural truths substantially form part of our doctrinal basis of fellowship, and are essential to 'the things concerning the Name of Jesus Christ..." (The Christadelphian, May 1898, Ecclesial Intelligence)

AUSTRALIA "Sydney .- Albert Hall, 413, Elizabeth Street. -It is with feelings of regret that we inform you that we have been compelled to withdraw our fellowship from a large number of brethren and sisters in this city for reasons hereafter stated. As you know, an amalgamation took place, about twelve months ago, between the body meeting in Pitt Street and the body in the Albert Hall, 413, Elizabeth Street. It was believed by the majority of us that they had renounced the erroneous views that had been the means of keeping the two bodies separate for years. Some of these views were: “No sin in the flesh”; “Adam mortal before the fall”; “Christ's nature pure and undefiled in every sense”; “Christ did not need to die for himself”; “The present possession of eternal life.” It has since transpired that upon some of these questions they have not altered their views at all; and not only so, but they have succeeded in converting many of our old brethren and sisters to those views since their admittance to our body." (The Christadelphian, 1904, P. 569, Ecclesial Intelligence)

“In view of all these things, it is evident what force there is in the words with which Jesus introduced the memorial cup to the notice of his disciples: `This is the new covenant in my blood shed for the remission of the sins of many.' The new covenant or agreement, which ensures coming blessedness to the fallen sons of Adam, is in the blood of Christ and nowhere else. There can be no blessedness without covenant, because, apart from the addition of special covenant on the part of God, who only has the power to bestow blessedness, we are shut up to what we have by nature, and that is, a poor mortal body that will wear out in due course and disappear in death. And there can be no covenant without sacrifice, for so has God willed, and we can no more get past his will in this matter than we can in the constitution of heaven and earth. And there is no sacrifice but one with which we can approach God for covenant, and that is the one great sacrifice accomplished in Christ. And there is no way of becoming associated with that sacrifice but by enlightenment in the promises on which the covenant is established, and faith in the blood in which it is offered, and legal contact with that blood in baptism, which is the divinely-appointed mode of association with the death of Christ. The root of the whole matter lies first, in the greatness, and then in the goodness of God. God is a great and dreadful Majesty, to whom the earth and all flesh belong, for He has made them out of his own energy. He is not only great, but He is holy, and jealous of His supremacy. He has been disobeyed on earth, and has in consequence given us over to death; and will not be approached by us except in the manner he has appointed. But He is good, and He will forgive and bestow everlasting life if we humble ourselves and come to him in the way appointed. The way appointed is through the shed-blood of a perfectly righteous wearer of our nature, in whom sin was condemned on our account. He will forgive us if we come in this way: not because that bloodshedding pacifies him or gives him any thing or pays any debt: for then it would be no forgiveness.-But because His righteousness is declared, and His prerogative recognised, and our position acknowledged in the acceptance of the slain lamb of His appointing.

“We endorse and proclaim all these glorious things every time we take this cup into our hand and drink it, and say `Amen!' at the giving of thanks for `the new covenant in the blood of Christ shed for the remission of sins.' This breaking of bread signifies our acceptance of God's way, and is a testimony to the world that they have no hope outside of this way. We find great comfort in that way ourselves, and we would extend that comfort on the right hand and on the left. But we find many obstacles in the imaginations and high thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. (2 Cor. 10:5.) We have even earned the bitterest odium it is possible for men to bear-the reputation of being illiberal and uncharitable and narrow minded and bigoted-because we maintain the teaching of Christ and his apostles on this most vital matter. What can we do but accept the result with resignation? It is a result that has always more or less attended the testimony of the truth. It is no new thing for `the preaching of the cross' to be productive of offence. Paul speaks of it in his letters. He says, the preaching of the cross was to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness. He accepted the reproach incident to such a situation; he refused to glory in anything save the cross of our Lord Jesus. We are in the best of company when we are in the company of Paul, and we are undoubtedly in his company when we are accused by the modern Greeks (the scientists of every grade) of being behind the age and badly informed, and old fogey and sectarian; and by the Jews, of being worse than the Christians in the rigidness of our insistance on the original teachings of Christ, and by Christians, of being gloomy retrogessionists, the slaves of a dead letter, and strangers to the broad life and charity and the true spirit of the gospel. To each and all, we can but say, `We accept Christ because he rose from the dead: and we accept the apostles, because we accept Christ; and we accept the New Testament writings as the standard of truth because we accept the apostles; and we challenge you all to deny that the conclusions which we maintain are the teachings of these writings. It would be pleasant to come on to your broad platform and to join in your charitable spirit and to share your freedom from the narrownesses and restraints that undoubtedly hamper the profession of the gospel, as originally delivered, as regards the present evil world. We should have your pleasant society, and your encouraging recognition, and your advantageous patronage, and your general enjoyment of the broad fields of human culture, and pleasure, and good fellowship. But wherein should we be the gainers in the day when Christ arrives to sweep away the present order of things, and to reorganise affairs in harmony with divine principles only, and to give glorious place in his house to those only who do the will of his Father, as written in his revealed word of truth? We should have a poor staff to lean on, in a respectable world which will then dissolve in terror before his face. No: we have made Christ our portion, and for better or worse, we will accept the isolation and the odium that result from the consequential exclusivness, confident that experience, shortly to be apparent, will justify an uncompromising adherence to the written word as the only enlightened policy that can be pursued.” (Robert Roberts, The Christadelphian 1881, p. 70-75)

Doctrinal Errors We Categorically Reject

Doctrinal Errors We Categorically Reject
1. “That `sin in the flesh,' or sin as a metaphor”, is “considered as a moral thing.” (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 83)
2. That Christ literally bore our personal transgressions in his body (H. Fry, EPC, p. 41, A.D. Strickler, OOD p. 64)
3. That Christ's offering was a substitutionary sacrifice for man. (Harry Fry EPC p. 47; Allen D. Strickler OOD, p. 25, 46)
4. That Christ suffered `the punishment due to or for sin' (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 46, 98 et al.).
5. That the word `atonement' is only used in the Bible in relation to `moral' issues. `Where there is no forgiveness there is no atonement' (A.D. Strickler,OOD, p. 25) `What had the altar done that it required to be atoned for?' (J. Bell, The Shield, August 1919)
6. That the Bible does not teach that the physical principle of sin will be removed from the body in the change to immortality. (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 43).
7. That Christ's sacrifice was a continuation of the ritual and ceremonial symbolism of the Mosaic sacrifices except with a human sacrificial victim (H. Fry,EPC, p. 26, 39, 40; A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 46, 64)
8. That obedience alone, in the absence of a sacrificial death, would redeem Christ. (E. Turney, H. Fry, EPC, p. 33)
9. That defilement under the law was limited to `a moral connotation'.
10. That the Mosaic Law, termed in 2nd Cor 3:9 `the ministration of condemnation', did not condemn transgression or those who had transgressed.
11. That the Mosaic patterns and shadows are a contrast with Christ and not typical of Christ's redeeming work. That the Mosaic Law was a `contrast' `of good things to come'. (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 93.)
12. That we are legally defiled by birth and that baptism removes legal defilement (JJ Andrew, BOC, p. 17).
13. That moral guilt (from Adam or any other) was literally or symbolically placed upon Christ at his death. (H. Fry, A.D. Strickler)
14. That a legal sentence or legal guilt (from Adam or any other) was literally or symbolically placed upon Christ at his death (JJ Andrew)
15. That the Edenic sentence was `a violent death' (JJ Andrew, BOC p.1, 5, 7; T. Williams, A Rallying Point #5, The Advocate, March 1896) and that this sentence was carried out upon Christ.
16. That at baptism we literally `pass out of Adam' (JJ Andrew BOC p. 30; T.Williams, Rectification, p. 36).
17. That at baptism we are literally freed from `the law of sin and death' (JJ Andrew, BOC p. 28-29; T. Williams, An Open Letter, p. 135, Adamic Condemnation, p. 6)
18. That baptism is for `original sin' (JJ Andrew BOC, p. 8; T. Williams, The Advocate, Jan. 1895).
19. That having `sin in the flesh' causes alienation from God or that Christ was ever alienated from God (JJ Andrew, Res. Resp. Debate).
20. That inheritance of the hereditary sin nature imputes moral guilt. That we are morally defiled by birth.
21. Doctrinal expositions of the atonement that are drawn from apostate Christianity's commentaries such as the United Bible Society Handbooks &c. [TLC Notes: See Titus 1:11; Isa 8:19-20]

Doctrinal Affirmations

Doctrinal Affirmations
1. That the word `sin' is used in two principal acceptations in the Scripture.
a. It signifies in the first place `the transgression of law' (eg. Lev 6:2; Jam 4:17). Sin in its first acceptation is a moral issue.
b. In the second definition `sin' represents that physical principle of the animal nature which is the cause of all its diseases, death, and resolution into dust (2Cor 5:21; 1Pe 2:24). It is that which has the power of death (Heb 2:14). This `sin' is a physical issue that does not impute moral or legal guilt. [The false logic that suggests that it imputes moral or legal guilt, would by parity of reasoning conclude that the inheritance of death carried with it legal or moral guilt - a patently false conclusion.]
2. That the Edenic sentence of death, muth temuth (Gen 2:17) was not a sentence to be consummated in a moment, as when a man is shot or guillotined. The death threatened was the result, or finishing, of a certain process; which is very clearly indicated in the original Hebrew. The sentence, then, as a whole reads thus-“In the day of thy eating from it dying thou shalt die” (EI, p. 69). From this, it is evident, that Adam was to be subjected to a process, but not to an endless process; but to one which should commence with the transgression, and end with his death and resolution into dust. (Gen 3:19)
3. That all who are born of a woman (Job 14:1-4) are born under the physical and hereditary `law of sin and death' (Rom 5:12, 7:23; 1Co 15:22). That `the law of sin and death' is a single law (Rom 8:2) and cannot be separated. That to be mortal is not only to be under “the shadow of death”, but to havethat which has the power of death (Heb 2:14). Conversely, sin when it is finished bringeth forth death (Jam 1:15). To destroy (Heb 2:14; 1Co 15:53-54) that having `the power of death,' is to abolish this physical law of sin and death, and instead thereof, to substitute the physical 'law of the spirit of life,'by which the same body would be changed in its constitution, and live for ever. (Rom 6:23)
4. That the Mosaic law condemned transgression (Rom 7:7) and the transgressor (eg. Num. 15:32-35; Deu 13:6-9) but it could not condemn the nature (diabolos), `for all have sinned' (Rom 3:23), and therefore any condemnation meted out was “a just recompense of reward” (Heb 2:2). What the law could not do, in that it was weak because of the flesh (for “when the commandment came, sin revived” - Rom 7:9) God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. If the death of a transgressor would have sufficed, then Adam and Eve might have been put to death at once, and raised to live again. But this was not according to the divine wisdom. The great principle to be compassed was the condemnation of sin in sinful flesh, innocent of actual transgression.
5. The Mosaic institutions were a figure for the time then present, but could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience (Heb 10:2, Heb 9:9, 7:11) because the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins (Heb 10:4). God having prepared some better thing for us: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (Joh 1:29)
6. Therefore when Messiah cometh into the world he saith Mosaic sacrifices thou wouldst not, but “a body hast thou prepared for me” (Heb 10:5). God, ina figure, “laid on” Christ “the iniquity of us all” (Isa 53:6). As 1Pe 2:24 tells us, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body”. These expressions were fulfilled in Christ being “made of a woman, made under the law” (Galatians 4:4). “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin” (2Co 5:21). The physical nature or body of Christ was “made like unto his brethren” (Heb 2:17). “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same” (Heb 2:14), taking “on him the seed of Abraham” (Heb 2:16). Sinful flesh being the hereditary nature of the Lord Jesus, He was a fit and proper sacrifice for sin; especially as he was innocent of transgression (1Pe 2:22) having been obedient in all things.
7. As to his character, Christ was the Deity manifest in flesh (1Ti 3:16; Isa 40:3; Joh 14:7, 9; Heb 1:3). He was “tried in all points like as we, yet without sin” (Heb 4:15).
8. That after living a life of perfect obedience his work culminated in a sacrificial offering for the redemption of himself and for his people as the anti-typical High Priest of Israel. (Heb 5:3, 7:27, 8:3, 9:7-9).
9. That in the sacrifice of Christ,
a. God's righteousness was declared (Rom 3:25-26)
b. God condemned sin in the flesh (Joh 12:31; Rom 8:3; Joh 3:14), and thereby justified (Rom 3:26) His forbearance with and forgiveness of sinners (Rom 3:25). God's supremacy having been vindicated (Rom 3:26; Joh 12:28, 21:19), a foundation has been laid (1Co 3:11) on which He can offer forgiveness (1Jo 1:9) without the compromise of His wisdom and righteousness. He does not offer it, or allow it, apart from submission to the declaration of His righteousness in Christ crucified (Joh 3:15, 36; Joh 5:24, 39; Rom 3:26, 30; Col 2:12). There must be the most humble identification with that declaration. (Rom 3:25-26)
10. These things could not have been accomplished in Christ if his nature was destitute of that physical principle, styled, `Sin in the flesh' (Rom 8:3; 1Jo 4:3; Heb 2:14). Decree the immaculateness of the body prepared for the Spirit (Psalm 40:6; Heb 10:5), and the `mystery of the Christ' is destroyed, and the gospel of the kingdom ceases to be the power of God for salvation to those that believe it. (Rom 1:16; 2Co 11:4; Gal 1:6-7; Gal 3:3; Rom 10:3)
11. The word 'atonement' in Hebrew signifies 'to cover', and therefore has application to Christ, as well as to others. But we not only need physical redemption from mortality, we also require the forgiveness of actual sins committed. It cannot be disputed that the term `atonement' has been used in Christadelphian literature for nearly 150 years to indicate both physical covering as well as forgiveness.
12. The statement that Christ did these things `for us' has blinded many to the fact that he did them `for himself' first (Heb 5:7, 13:20) - without which, he could not have done them for us, for it was by doing them for himself that He did them for us. He did them for us only as we may become part of him, in merging our individualities in him by taking part in his death, and putting on his name and sharing his life afterwards. He is, as it were, a new centre of healthy life, in which we must become incorporate before we can be saved. (Heb 5:9; Matt 16:24; Joh 17:22; 1Ti 3:16)
13. That Christ is the anti-typical altar (Heb 13:10), the anti-typical laver, the anti-typical High Priest (Heb 9:11), the anti-typical mercyseat (Rom 3:25, Heb 9:5), the “antitypical everything” as brother Roberts described him in The Law of Moses, p. 170-172.
14. We believe that the phrases such as “atonement for nature” and “sacrifice for nature” are non-specific and elastic phrases that suggest a mechanical operation in God's plan of redemption and should not be used. [The phrases do not appear to occur in any early Christadelphian literature till the late 1890's and early 1900's. Though their origin is unclear, they appear to have been widely used by clean-flesh teachers of the early 1900's as an excuse for rejecting the 2nd acceptation of the word `sin'.]

Belief and Baptism Essential For Your Salvation Romans 6

Monday, 9 March 2015

Iran's nuclear program

WITH rockets roaring and guns blazing, more than a dozen swarming Iranian speedboats assaulted a replica of a US aircraft carrier during large-scale naval drills near the strategically vital entrance of the Persian Gulf.

  The nationally televised show of force by the country’s elite Revolutionary Guard comes just weeks ahead of a deadline for Iran and world powers to forge a historic deal on the fate of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.

Iranian live-fire war games are not uncommon. But by simulating for the first time an attack on the ultimate symbol of American naval power, hardliners hoped to send a message that Iran has no intention of backing down to the US — whichever way talks over its contested nuclear program go.  The drill, named “Great Prophet 9,” was held near the Strait of Hormuz, through which about a fifth of the world’s oil passes.

PROPHECY INSIGHTS  -  Is it possible , that just as the United States & Western nations ' tentatively ' strive to secure a nuclear deal with Iran , that the Islamic regime in Tehran would undertake such a provocative & openly hostile propaganda stunt  - the mock sinking of a US aircraft carrier ??   With the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei  &  President Hassan Rouhani ( the ' double-tongued '  former chief-negotiator for Iran )  at the helm ,  Iran continues to deceive the world through lies & secrecy over the true purpose of it's nuclear enrichment.  Having already successfully duped the West into lifting the economic sanctions ,  & knowing the USA is falling over itself to finalise a deal , the Iranian mullahs have taken to mocking the West with rhetoric taunts  &  bellicose propaganda stunts.  

To leave no doubt to it's veracity  - God's Word , over 2,500 years ago fore-told unmistakably of this belligerent & deceitful behaviour by the leaders of Elam & Media ( modern-day Iran )  that would be the prelude to Iran's partnership with the spoiler ' ( Russia )  &  their coming invasion of Iraq  ( prior to  Israel & Jerusalem ).  We are indeed on the thresh-hold events that wll soon shock the world.  Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes.   It is time to prepare.   The Lord's return is nigh at hand !!!

Isaiah 21v2-9  -  A  grievous ' vision ' is declared unto me ;  the ' treacherous dealer ' dealeth treacherously   &  ' the spoiler ' ( Russia ) spoileth.   Go up , O Elam ( Iran ) :  besiege O Media ( Iran ) . . . Therefore are my loins filled with pain :  pangs have taken hold upon me ( Israel ) as the ' pangs of a woman ' that travaileth . . . Prepare the table , watch in the watchtower , eat , drink . . .  arise ,  ye princes  &  anoint the shield.  For thus hath the Lord said ,  Go , set a watchman , let him declare what he seeth . . . And he cried , Behold , here cometh a chariot of men , with a couple of horsemen.   And he answered  &  said ,  BABYLON ( Iraq )  is fallen ,  is fallen

Saturday, 28 February 2015

ISIS Vows to Conquer Rome Vatican calls for Military Intervention Ezeki...

ROME - Pope Francis’ top diplomat has endorsed the idea of international ' military intervention ' in Libya to prevent ISIS from gaining power there, adding his voice to calls from other Church leaders for enhanced efforts to curb the Islamic militants. In recent days, a New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan has said that the terrorist group “ threatens human civilization ” while an auxiliary bishop of Baghdad has asked the world to stop what he called an ISIS “ genocide. ”

On Tuesday, Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin , the Vatican’s secretary of state , called for an intervention in Libya to stop a possible alliance between the country’s Islamic government and the Islamic State. Parolin spoke about the chaos in the North African country after ISIS beheaded 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians over the weekend, describing the incident as “ terrifying ”.

The cardinal stressed the need for “ a quick response ” saying that the “ situation is grave.”  Reflecting long-standing Vatican positions, Parolin added that “ any armed intervention must be carried forward under the framework of international law ” and “ under the umbrella of the United Nations. ” The remarks came during a meeting between Vatican officials and members of the Italian government to mark the anniversary of the 1929 Lateran Treaty, which established the Vatican City State and which governs relations between the two states.

PROPHECY INSIGHTS - The arrival of ISIS in ' Libya ' is a major development that will set in train prophetic events foretold in God's Word. With ISIS now on Europe's doorstep & threatening an invasion of Italy , both the Italian authorities & the Vatican are on high alert prompting Italy's Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti to declare of the encroaching ISIS threat " The risk is imminent , we cannot wait any longer ".

While most of the world's population looks to the future with fear & uncertainty as the Islamic State wreaks havoc & brutality , even a modest understanding of Bible Prophecy reveals the actual future events involving Libya , the Vatican & Russia. In Ezekiel 38 we are told Libya is one of the nations ' at Russia's side ' in the latter-day confederate invasion of the Middle East & Israel. Therefore we know with certainty , Libya must soon fall under the power & influence of Russian hegemony. Additionally , Ezekiel 17 provides unmistakable symbollic allusions to the coming ' strategic alliance ' soon to be forged between the Catholic Papacy ( leading the Euro-Union ) & Russia's autocratic leader , Vladimir Putin.

The current ISIS threat will be ' the catalyst ' to bring Rome & Russia together in a common cause , as the Papacy seeks Russia's military might to snuff out the threat of Islamic extremism & in exchange Putin will derive international legitimacy & advocacy from his pact with the leader of the world's largest religion - the Pope. Together Russia's Gog & Rome's Papacy will ' prosper & practice ' in an alliance of mutual convenience & jointly plan the subjugation of many nations , including the ' Holy Land '.  But the very same Bible prophecy in Ezekiel 17 also vividly details Rome's judgment at the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ & His saints ( ' East Wind ' )

Ezekiel 17v7-10 - There was also another ' great eagle ' ( Russia ) with great wings & many feathers :  & behold , ' this vine ' ( Vatican / Papacy ) did bend her roots toward him  ( Russian Gog / Putin ) & shot forth her branches toward him , that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation. It ( Vatican / Papacy ) was planted in a good soil by great waters ( Mediterranean Sea ) that it might bring forth branches & that it might bear fruit , that it might be a goodly vine . . . .  Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Shall it prosper ? shall he not pull up the roots thereof & cut off the fruit thereof , that it wither ? It shall wither in all the leaves of her spring , even without great power or many people to pluck it up by the roots thereof. Yea , behold , being planted , shall it prosper ? shall it not utterly wither , when the ' east wind ' ( Christ & His saints ) toucheth it ? It shall wither in the furrows where it grew.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Christians and the Sabbath

We reject that the observance of Sunday is a matter of duty. [Although the “first day” is commonly used for remembrance of the Christ-covenant, there is no obligation to limit such observance to a Sunday. It is a matter of “as oft as we do so,” whatever the day — 1Cor. 11:In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’.]

. Sabbath day not binding on Christians

Law abolished on basis of Jesus’ death.

Eph 2:15 By means of his flesh he abolished the hostility, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the two peoples in himself into one new man and make peace;

Sabbath not binding on Christians.

Col 2:16 Therefore let no man judge YOU in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; 17 for those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ;

Reproved for observing Sabbath, etc.

Ga 4:10 YOU are scrupulously observing days and months and seasons and years. 11 I fear for YOU, that somehow I have toiled to no purpose respecting YOU.;

Ro 10:2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge; 3 for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness.

Enter God’s rest by faith and obedience.  Heb 4:9-11

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

THE COMING STORM : Severe sandstorm hits Egypt , Lebanon & Israel

THE COMING STORM : Severe sandstorm hits Egypt , Lebanon & Israel

February 11, 2015

A Mideast sandstorm roared into Egypt , Israel & Lebanon this week, causing the worst Israeli air pollution in years & sending powerful waves tearing into Beirut's famed corniche along the Mediterranean Sea. The sandstorm, made up of accumulated dust carried from the far reaches of the Sahara Desert in North Africa, also engulfed Cairo for a second day.

High winds lashed those on the streets, causing some to walk backward to avoid getting the grit in their faces. Israel's Environmental Protection Ministry said air pollution levels were the country's worst in five years & the storm would last into Wednesday night. Israeli airports spokeswoman Liza Dvir said flights to and from the Red Sea resort city of Eilat temporarily were grounded due to the weather, though planes still flew through the country's main international hub, Ben Gurion Airport

FULL REPORT : Associated Press

PROPHECY INSIGHTS - Could it be mere co-incidence - or - a providential ' heads-up ' from above ?? Timed to perfection with Vladimir Putin's Egyptian visit , the strong sandstorm first struck Egypt , temporarily closing Cairo International Airport to incoming flights. The weather front also caused strong waves to crash into the coast & saw Egypt close two of its seaports . . . exactly when Putin arrived !!! There is a storm coming. And Russia's President Vladimir Putin will head it up. We are told in Daniel 11 that the ' king of the north ' will come down like a whirlwind. In Ezekiel 38 we are told that ' Gog ' ( Russian leader ) will ascend & come . . . like a storm. He will be like a cloud to cover the land. This sandstorm as Putin arrived is a ' sign ' to show us what is really coming. A terrible storm – an army so large they will be like locusts covering the ground. When Putin finally invades it truly will be the greatest storm the world has ever seen . . .

Ezekiel 38v9 - Thou ( Russian Gog ) shalt ascend & come like a storm , thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land , thou & all thy bands , & many people with thee.

Daniel 11v40 - The king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind , with chariots & with horsemen & with many ships

RUSSIAN ' GOG ' VISITS EGYPT : Putin's anti-terrorism pact - prelude to Middle East chaos

RUSSIAN ' GOG ' VISITS EGYPT : Putin's anti-terrorism pact - prelude to Middle East chaos

February 10, 2015

United by a deep hostility toward Islamists, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi & Russia's Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday they were both committed to fighting the threat of terrorism. The general & the former KGB officer found common ground on security at talks in Cairo that signaled a rapprochement between their two countries, at a time when relations between Egypt & the United States have cooled.

Sisi, who is fighting a raging Islamist insurgency in the Sinai region, said Putin had agreed with him that "the challenge of terrorism that faces Egypt & which Russia also faces, does not stop at any borders".

Putin , on his first state visit to Egypt in a decade , said they agreed on "reinforcing our efforts in combating terrorism". The Kremlin chief was the first leader of a major power to visit Egypt since former army chief Sisi became president in 2014, having toppled Islamist President Mohamed Mursi the previous year after mass protests against his rule.

Sisi has repeatedly called for concerted counter-terrorism efforts in the Middle East & the West. Egypt has fought Islamist militancy for decades, mostly through security crackdowns that have weakened, but failed to eliminate, radical groups. Egypt & the Soviet Union were close allies until the 1970s when Cairo moved closer to the United States, which brokered its 1979 peace deal with Israel. That relationship cooled after the army's overthrow of Mursi, which prompted Washington to suspend some military aid. Sisi has since opened up to Moscow, describing Russia on Tuesday as a "strategic friend".

Putin, facing Western isolation & sanctions over his support for pro-Russian separatists in neighboring Ukraine, received a grand welcome in Cairo, where his portrait & the Russian tricolour were predominantly displayed.


PROPHECY INSIGHTS - Russian president Vladimir Putin has flown to Cairo for a two-day visit , in a move aimed at bolstering bilateral ties with Egypt that also allows both countries to send pointed messages to the US. Putin is expected to hold discussions about ending the use of the US dollar in bilateral trade between Egypt & Russia. Collaboration between a Russian & Egyptian newspaper is also reported to be scheduled for discussion. Egypt’s flagship state newspaper printed a long feature about Putin that called him “ a hero of our era ”. Russian president Vladimir Putin arrived in Egypt to a hero’s welcome. The Financial Times reported the following in relation to this visit…” The visit is the latest sign of Russia attempting to reassert its commercial & strategic interests in the Middle East, an agenda that has included bolstering support for Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.” This is indeed a sign of Russia asserting itself in the Middle East. Putin is very interested in this area. Egypt over the last 40 years has been an ally of America but Putin wants to weaken US influence in the world & seeks to strengthen ties with countries like Egypt. In Daniel Ch.11 it says that Russia will sweep down through Israel into Egypt. But we also read of this in Isaiah 19. We are told a ' fierce king ' will one day rule over Egypt. The word ' fierce ' is also used in Daniel 8 . . . of the same fierce ' latter day ' king.

Isaiah 19v4 - And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord ( Mohammed Morsi ) ... & a ' fierce king ' (Vladimir Putin ) shall rule over them , saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts.

Daniel 8v23 - And in the latter time of their kingdom , when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of ' fierce 'countenance & understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Valentine's Day in the Bible

To most people, Valentine's Day would seem to be nothing more than kids exchanging Valentine cards and adults giving chocolates or flowers. But it is harmless only in the eyes of those who do not know any better. As with most worldly festivals with religious overtones, its origins go back long before Christ. And, as we have come to recognize, the Roman Catholic Church "Christianized" it, assimilating pagan beliefs into its own.
At the end of the 5th century, pope Gelasius I declared February 14 saint Valentine's day. I thought we were told to come out of her?
Is February 14, the only day on earth when someone can express or show love? Why does the church have to follow the world?
Fellow believers, get out all of those pagan celebrations and follow Christ alone. We will never be sanctified (set aside, set apart, different) if we continue to follow the world.
There are seven (7) biblical feasts mentioned in scripture, saint Valentine's day IS NOT one of them. The church has rejected most of them to observe pagan feasts.
Have you studied and researched the origins of the traditions and customs you follow?

. . . an ancient Roman rite held each February 15 for the fertility god Lupercus. Goats and a dog were sacrificed, and goats' blood was smeared on the foreheads of two young men and wiped off with wool dipped in milk. Young men, wearing only goatskin about their loins, ran around the base of the Palatine hill, striking with goatskin strips any women they met. This was to ease labor for pregnant women and to make the others fertile.
Why is the color red associated with Valentine's Day? Isaiah writes that "sins are like scarlet, . . . red like crimson" (Isaiah 1:18). Adultery is known as the "scarlet sin" (recall the classic book by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter). Prostitution is practiced in the "red-light district." The Bible describes certain princes of Babylon dressed in vermilion (Ezekiel 23:14-15). Babylon herself is a harlot dressed in scarlet (Revelation 17:4). The highest ranking priests of the Catholic church, cardinals, wear red.
When we tally our list on the merits of Valentine's Day, this pagan holiday shows not one redeeming value! Valentine's Day is as worldly as they come. It is indeed a product of Babylon, and the love of God does not rest on those who become enmeshed by the ways of this world (I John 2:15).
Those who continue to insist that participation in it is harmless have refused to recognize the rank paganism inherent in this holiday. God warns in Revelation 18:4 that if we remain within the gates of Babylon, then we will suffer its fate. Valentine's Day is just another reason why God says to us, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues."