Doctrinal Errors We Categorically Reject
1. “That `sin in the flesh,' or sin as a metaphor”, is “considered as a moral thing.” (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 83)
2. That Christ literally bore our personal transgressions in his body (H. Fry, EPC, p. 41, A.D. Strickler, OOD p. 64)
3. That Christ's offering was a substitutionary sacrifice for man. (Harry Fry EPC p. 47; Allen D. Strickler OOD, p. 25, 46)
4. That Christ suffered `the punishment due to or for sin' (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 46, 98 et al.).
5. That the word `atonement' is only used in the Bible in relation to `moral' issues. `Where there is no forgiveness there is no atonement' (A.D. Strickler,OOD, p. 25) `What had the altar done that it required to be atoned for?' (J. Bell, The Shield, August 1919)
6. That the Bible does not teach that the physical principle of sin will be removed from the body in the change to immortality. (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 43).
7. That Christ's sacrifice was a continuation of the ritual and ceremonial symbolism of the Mosaic sacrifices except with a human sacrificial victim (H. Fry,EPC, p. 26, 39, 40; A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 46, 64)
8. That obedience alone, in the absence of a sacrificial death, would redeem Christ. (E. Turney, H. Fry, EPC, p. 33)
9. That defilement under the law was limited to `a moral connotation'.
10. That the Mosaic Law, termed in 2nd Cor 3:9 `the ministration of condemnation', did not condemn transgression or those who had transgressed.
11. That the Mosaic patterns and shadows are a contrast with Christ and not typical of Christ's redeeming work. That the Mosaic Law was a `contrast' `of good things to come'. (A.D. Strickler, OOD, p. 93.)
12. That we are legally defiled by birth and that baptism removes legal defilement (JJ Andrew, BOC, p. 17).
13. That moral guilt (from Adam or any other) was literally or symbolically placed upon Christ at his death. (H. Fry, A.D. Strickler)
14. That a legal sentence or legal guilt (from Adam or any other) was literally or symbolically placed upon Christ at his death (JJ Andrew)
15. That the Edenic sentence was `a violent death' (JJ Andrew, BOC p.1, 5, 7; T. Williams, A Rallying Point #5, The Advocate, March 1896) and that this sentence was carried out upon Christ.
16. That at baptism we literally `pass out of Adam' (JJ Andrew BOC p. 30; T.Williams, Rectification, p. 36).
17. That at baptism we are literally freed from `the law of sin and death' (JJ Andrew, BOC p. 28-29; T. Williams, An Open Letter, p. 135, Adamic Condemnation, p. 6)
18. That baptism is for `original sin' (JJ Andrew BOC, p. 8; T. Williams, The Advocate, Jan. 1895).
19. That having `sin in the flesh' causes alienation from God or that Christ was ever alienated from God (JJ Andrew, Res. Resp. Debate).
20. That inheritance of the hereditary sin nature imputes moral guilt. That we are morally defiled by birth.
21. Doctrinal expositions of the atonement that are drawn from apostate Christianity's commentaries such as the United Bible Society Handbooks &c. [TLC Notes: See Titus 1:11; Isa 8:19-20]
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